ARTICLE: Music notation on a 4000-year timeline and more of music beyond Europe

There’s no need to imagine the history and conception of music as beginning and ending in western Europe. The history of music is far older, richer – and stranger than that. Here’s a glimpse of some of that and more resources to help broaden our sense of what music can be. Hey, I’m glad to … Continue reading ARTICLE: Music notation on a 4000-year timeline and more of music beyond Europe

Sunday Spotlight on the Global Cello: Bass Gheychak

The Bass Gheychak (or Gheychak Bass) is an Iranian bowed string instrument that's roughly the same size as the modern violoncello with a similar pitch range. Like other members of the Gheychak string family, the soundbox is open at the top with a skin covered soundboard at the bottom which is where the bridge for … Continue reading Sunday Spotlight on the Global Cello: Bass Gheychak

Orchestres anti-coloniaux : une réponse culturelle à l’impérialisme de la musique classique occidentale

So thrilled that my piece, “Anti-Colonial Orchestras: A Cultural Response to Classical Music Imperialism,” has been translated into French by Liko Imalet and Luc Le Maignan of AMECAS (Amicale des Etudiants Caribéens Africains et Sympathisants) at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne!


L’un de mes projets de recherche les plus longs consiste à retracer l’évolution des orchestres dans le monde. Pas seulement l’orchestre européen, mais tous les orchestres du monde, y compris les grands ensembles des peuples autochtones, les orchestres de personnes esclavagisées, les orchestres folkloriques d’Europe de l’Est, et plus largement les groupes que je commence à appeler les orchestres anti-coloniaux.

Les orchestres anti-coloniaux sont des orchestres qui se sont formés souvent immédiatement après les indépendances, ou bien en opposition directe à l’impérialisme culturel de la musique classique occidentale. D’une certaine manière, cela fait écho à l’objectif des orchestres folkloriques soviétiques (ainsi que des orchestres folkloriques d’autres États communistes). Mais ils diffèrent en ce que beaucoup d’entre eux n’étaient pas nécessairement des groupes parrainés par l’État ou du moins pas des groupes forcés de se former pour contrer directement l’impérialisme occidental. Cet arcticle offre un petit échantillon de certains de…

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BBC Radio 3: World of Classical

This Sunday will see the premiere broadcast of the three-part BBC Radio 3 feature, World of Classical, that I've been working on over the past year. Each episode focuses on some core themes (e.g. Music Notation) in Global music histories and makes connections between different music traditions and how those themes were approached or used. … Continue reading BBC Radio 3: World of Classical

University Course Readings, Pedagogical Resources, and Bibliographies for Intercultural and Hybrid Music Ecosystems and Histories

Since the beginning of the pandemic, and especially after posting the Classical Music and Its Slave Orchestras piece there's been a growing number of (currently 27 31 36 39 EDIT:3/9/23) University, and at least one course at a [presumably] secondary education school, courses linking to various pieces here at Mae Mai. While the above piece … Continue reading University Course Readings, Pedagogical Resources, and Bibliographies for Intercultural and Hybrid Music Ecosystems and Histories